03 January 2009

AIESEC Norway elections coming up

On monday (5th/Jan) I will go to Trondheim, a city up north in Norway where AIESEC Norway national conference (called Achieve) will happen. These conferences are always very brigth times, because it gets together AIESECers from all around the country to discuss, work together, learn and teach.

But this one is even more especial to me because AIESEC Norway votes for its new president (the term from July 2009 to July 2010), and I am a candidate! If I get elected, this means I will stay in Norway one more year and be responsible for the organization to grow and achieve the 2010 vision.

But it's not only especial to me, but also to other 9 individuals who are applying to be vice-presidents - the executive team of the president. It's really amazing to read their applications, think of their ideas, check their past results, read their endorsement letters... Wow, I can't believe the election will be in less than one week.

Well, let's go!


  1. Oi Jota!

    Como estao as coisas por ai? Estou passando para te desejar uma otima conferencia e boa sorte na eleicao. Que bom que tua experiencia como MC esta sendo valida para ti, estou adorando a minha tambem :)


  2. Tudo ótimo aqui! :) Valeu pela força, tá perto agora. :)

  3. Ola Jota, gostaria de te desejar boa sorte na eleicao, estou torcendo por voce!
    VPCR @Maringa 2009


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